
Setup Outgoing Authentication

It is recommended for all of our customers to use outgoing email authentication when sending mail. This will help in our fight against spam and is a necessary setting for our iMail and dialup customers. Below are guides on how to enable this option.

The email server names listed are our generic email servers and will work for all customers. If you are using mail.[cityname].com like then you do not need to change the server name. You do not need to change your email address when using the guides below, just the outgoing server settings.

  • Outlook 2007 Setup SMTP Authentication
  • Windows Live Mail 2011 SMTP Authentication
  • Mozilla Thunderbird 3 SMTP Authentication
  • Outlook 2010 SMTP Authentication
  • Mac Mail SMTP Authentication
  • Outlook Express SMTP Authentication
  • Outlook 2000/2003 SMTP Authentication